Where client was when I met them: Client was admitted in hospital when I first met them as their nurse. Upon discharge from hospital, I followed up with home visits in the community to ensure client remained safe and compliant with their treatment plan. Client had been experiencing stress induced psychosis. Client had a busy life working in a family business and also experienced lots of psycho-social changes in their family life. This caused increasing stress until eventually client could not cope, became psychotic and was admitted to hospital.

Effect of their problem: Their stressful experience had a massive adverse impact on their: young family, other members of their wider family, their social life, professional life and finances.

Where they wanted to be: The client wanted to feel better, be their self again and be able to support family, especially the children. Client wanted to be in a career they enjoyed and feel able to connect with friends and family to expand their support network, and feel empowered to manage stressful situations.

How and why, they had an intervention with me: Client was allocated to me as their community nurse to encourage them to comply with their treatment plan. This included supporting them to adhere to prescribed medication, and engage them in psycho-education. This enabled them to be safe in the community and gradually built their confidence to be able to live their life well by improving their social, family and psychological wellbeing.

What I did as a professional: As their nurse, I actively listened to their needs by spending adequate time to build a rapport with them and getting to know them, which made it easy to pick up their body language and understand them better. I also encouraged the client to do some journalling to get to know themselves well. I then worked with the client closely to explore and identify healthy and evidence-based interventions that they could fully engage with to help their recovery journey. In this client’s case it was to build social networks to connect with others who were experiencing similar challenges and also working through tasks in bite size chunks so they don’t feel overwhelmed with their daily tasks. I encouraged the client to create a personalised activity plan as per their ability and interest to engage in the interventions of their choice. By so doing the client felt empowered and able to implement their chosen interventions. The client and I set a plan to evaluate some activities weekly and others monthly. It was vital that we worked well together as the success of the client’s recovery depended on it. We worked together for three years, which enabled me to see the progress of the client’s recovery, review interventions that were not working well and adopt and implement others that worked well.

Where is the client now? The client is currently doing well, they have added to their young family, they continue to maintain a healthy social and family connection and remember to ask for help when needed. They have learnt new skills to help them identify when they are experiencing life stressors that they are unable to manage and then start to implement their coping mechanisms to address the challenges in time.

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