Where client was when I met them: Client was feeling extremely overwhelmed with their life challenges. They had experienced a relationship breakdown with their partner due to loss of their child. They were struggling with increasing work pressures and felt that their employer had no empathy for them.

Effect of their problem: Client felt detached and alone in the world, had a negative outlook on life, felt helpless, felt stressed and burnt out. Client felt undervalued by their employer and with their ongoing personal challenges, they at times felt that they could not go on.

Where they wanted to be: Client wanted to experience how life was prior to losing their child. They wanted to be with their ex-partner again, feel happy and enjoy going to work like they did before their workload increased. They wanted to experience the good relationship they had with their employer prior to the challenges in their personal life.

How and why, they had an intervention with me: Client was referred to me by their GP. They felt they had had many consultations and interactions with professionals over the years but did not feel listened to. They were initially reluctant to engage due to their negative experience with healthcare professionals in the past. They felt that I might judge them and suggest interventions they were not interested to engage with. During the first 10mins of meeting the client, I created a warm and welcome space which encouraged them to open up to me and we quickly established a rapport.

 What I did as a professional: After establishing a good understanding and ensuring the client felt relaxed and able to open up. I actively listened to the information they were sharing, observing their body language when they shared sensitive information. The client was not interrupted with inappropriate questions for a duration of 30mins. I acknowledge all they were sharing and empathised with them, this encouraged them to vent their upset and frustration with what they were experiencing. In our follow-up sessions client was in a better frame of mind to discuss way forward so we worked on identifying activities that they might find helpful. We also explored what they like and don’t like about their job and ways they can improve the work situation. Client was encouraged to implement their identified solutions that could positively address the challenges they were experiencing. This included attending bereavement counselling sessions and relationship therapy sessions, after, they were able to resume communication with their ex-partner. Together with the client, we reviewed their progress and explored other social interventions they could adopt to enable their wellness. Client expressed profound gratitude that I listening to them without judgement as they had been struggling for months and felt unable to talk to professionals without feeling judged.

Where is the client now? The client has been able to grieve properly and they now have an amicable and supportive relationship with their ex-partner. They also feel supported by their employer after taking measures to have a candid discussion about their struggles. The employer supported with flexible ways of working which has really benefited the client. The client now engages in regular meditation/mindfulness which allows them to deal with life challenges better.

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